Advanced Course Theme Park Concepting

Throughout the world the themed space has grown in ubiquity, popularity, and diversity. Theming involves the use of an overarching theme to create a holistic and integrated spatial organization of a consumer venue. Theme parks have become ‘cathedrals of consumption’. During this course you will (1) learn to understand the importance and working principles of (lived and staged) theme park experiences and (2) develop an appealing, and long term effective concept for a theme park resort (Europa-Park in Rust, Germany).

A sponsored two day fieldtrip to this resort is part of the course.

Lesson 1: Introduction Global Theme Park Industry

Lesson 2: Fieldtrip to Europa-Park

Lesson 3: Lived Theme Park Experience

Lesson 4: Staged Theme Park Experience 1

Lesson 5: Staged Theme Park Experience 2

Lesson 6: Presentations, Q&A and exam training

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